
Tuesday, December 8, 2009


VINCE CARTER SANCTUARY ( USA )Vince carter is located in scenic , rural Flagler in Florida, about 20 miles north from Daytona . This rehabilitation center is in full peace in natural environment so the patient would find more comfortable and can give their more concentration on treatment and could get recover faster.Vince carter natural beauty assists client's in discovering the harmony and serenity that they seek for their treatment, combination with a program that provides clients the necessary tools to live a new clean and sober life.The programmes are made in such a manner that they can get more comfortable during treatment and could give the better result. Vince carter had got highly qualified and highly experienced staffs who are capable for handling their client's problems.This rehabilitation center provides the various curing methods. it encourage their clients to engage in games and many other extracurricular activities so that the victim could remove the thinking of using drug using.

# The treatment programs in Vince Carter Sanctuary are as follows:
- 12 step treatment programs.
- Meditation and Relaxation classes.
- Life skills workshops.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy.
- Weekly plan review.
- One to one counseling.
- Group therapy.
- Therapeutic works activities
- Equine assisted therapy.
- Anger management.
- Deal with emotions.
- Dual diagnosis treatment.
- Family and Martial therapy.

# What things to bring during treatment period at Vince Carter sanctuary:
- Positive attitude .
- Casual clothes.
- Gym wear & shoes (for cool and warm condition).
- Outdoor shoes, i.e. hiking boots, or sturdy walking shoes.
- Bathrobe - Indoor shoes, i.e. slippers, tennis shoes, etc.
- Winter coats.
- Gloves/mittens .
- Biking clothes (if you wish to mountain bike) .
- Waterproof jacket.
- Sweatshirt or sweater .
- An open-mindedness to learning, healing, growing, and living.
- Light jacket .
- Warm socks .
- Sunscreen .

# What are not allowed in Vince carter sanctuary are as follows:
- Vitamins, supplements, powders.
- clothes that revels or promotes drugs or alcohol .
- Camera .
- snacks, foods ,drinks and vitamins.
- Laptop computer or desktop computer.
- Mouthwash that contains alcohol .
- Recreational reading material .
- Cell phones( are only allowed to view coming calls)

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